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Duration: January, 2024 - January, 2027 

Researchers: Felipe Murta, Diego Rafael Batista and Vinicius Machado.

Financiamento: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) 


The stigma and prejudice surrounding HIV and AIDS persist, despite all biomedical advances, negatively influencing the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS, situations that are accentuated by the singularities of the Amazon region. The QLifeStigma project aims to build a local and unprecedented interpretation, arising from what is experienced by the Amazon population living with HIV/AIDS, guiding possible paths, not only in the field of public health, but to guarantee dignity and citizenship in the lives of these populations. 

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Identify and describe experiences and perceptions about stigma, quality of life and well-being of a population living with HIV/AIDS in the Brazilian Amazon, and multidimensional factors associated with these perceptions.

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